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Ming Chi University of Technology Recruitment for Assistant Professor in the Industrial Artificial Intelligence Bachelor's Degree Program,Application deadline:December 31, 2023

update date : 2024-09-25

Ming Chi University of Technology Recruitment for Assistant Professor in the Industrial Artificial Intelligence Bachelor's Degree Program

  1. Position: Assistant Professor or above
  2. Number of Positions: 1
  3. Starting Date: February 1, 2024, or August 1, 2024
  4. Qualifications:
    • Possession of a Ph.D. degree recognized by the Ministry of Education
    • Expertise in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, AIoT, etc.
    • Preferably, demonstrated ability to publish papers in SCI/SSCI journals
    • Teaching experience at the college level is desirable
    • Minimum of one year of work experience in research centers, universities, or industry with a focus on production and development
    • Proficiency in English for teaching and engaging in international academic exchange activities
  5. Salary: According to the standard salary for full-time teachers at the university
  6. Required Documents:
    • Curriculum Vitae (including contact information, recent photo, research expertise, and a list of publications)
    • Copy of Ph.D. diploma (foreign degrees require verification from the relevant overseas authority)
    • Copy of teacher certification (if applicable)
    • Academic transcripts (waived for those with over three years of teaching experience at public or private universities or with the rank of Associate Professor or above)
    • Summary of personal research achievements and future research directions, along with relevant proof
    • List of 3 to 5 courses that the applicant is qualified to teach, including course outlines
    • Two letters of recommendation
    • Any additional supporting documents (such as government exam certificates, certifications, awards, industry experience proof, etc.)
    • Completed Consent Form for Personal Information Collection and Consent for Applicants (available in the attachment or on the HR website)
  7. Benefits:
    • The university provides a research start-up fund of 1.2 million NTD
    • Competitive salary and additional benefits exceeding those offered by public universities (e.g., reduced teaching hours, research incentives, project subsidies, medical benefits at Chang Gung Hospital, etc.)
    • Single or family dormitory accommodation available
  8. Application Submission:
    • Please consolidate all required documents into a single PDF file and send it to liwei1225@mail.mcut.edu.tw.
    • Contact the assistant in charge during office hours to confirm the submission status.
  9. Application Deadline: December 31, 2023
  10. Contact Information: Assistant for the IAI Program: Ms. Huang Li-Wei Tel: (02)2908-9899 #3293 E-mail: liwei1225@mail.mcut.edu.tw Address: No. 84, Gongjian Road, Taishan District, New Taipei City, 243303 Program Website: https://iai.mcut.edu.tw/
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