

Topic 1 申請資料
中文 英文
Q1:如何申請在職證明? Q1: How do I apply for an employment certificate (proof of employment)?
A1:至人事網頁下載表單,填妥後請主管簽名送至人事室 A1: Complete the application form available on the Personnel Office website. Once your supervisor signs it, submit the completed form to the Personnel Office.
Q2:如何辦理請假手續 Q2: How can I request a day off?
A2:至Notes填寫請假單,主管核簽即可。 A2: Log into the Notes system and fill out the application form, make sure to obtain your supervisor’s approval.
Q3:報到當天要準備甚麼資料? Q3: What documents should I prepare when starting work?
A3:至人事網頁下載表單 A3: The document list is available on the Personnel Office website.
Q4:員工眷屬如何加保及退保健保? Q4: How can I enroll or withdraw my family dependents from the National Health Insurance?
A4:至人事網頁下載表單,填妥後送至人事室。 A4: You can find the application forms on the Personnel Office website. Upon completion, please submit them to the Personnel Office.



Topic 2 學生事務  
中文 英文
Q1:外籍生是否可以擔任學習型獎助生? Q1: Are foreign students eligible to work as teaching assistants?
A1:可以,需上傳居留證影本。 A1: Yes, please upload a copy of your Alien Resident Certificate.
Q2:人事室是否有提供工讀機會? Q2: Does the Personnel Office offer part-time job opportunities for students?
A2:人事室不定時開放工讀機會,另如有工讀抵減勞動服務需求,請來電詢問。 A2: Part-time job opportunities at different times throughout the year. Additionally, if you need to offset your community service hours, please call us..



Topic 3 職員事務與薪資  
中文 英文
Q1:什麼時候會被安排參加校內舉辦新進人員訓練? Q1: When will the Personnel Office host the new employee orientation?
A1:每年九月初安排新進教職員座談。 A1: The new employee orientation is hosted annually in early September.
Q2:年終獎金發放的日期? Q2: When is the year-end bonus distributed?
A2:每年度(自元月一日至十二月三十一日)年終獎金於翌年元月廿日發放,但元月廿日與農曆除夕相距在十五日以上時,以農曆除夕前第十五日為發放日。 A2: The year-end bonus for each fiscal year (from January 1 to December 31) will be distributed on January 20 of the following year. However, if there is a gap of more than fifteen days between January 20 and Lunar New Year’s Eve, the distribution date will be on the fifteenth day before Lunar New Year’s Eve.
Q3:專案教師與專任教師,薪水會有差異嗎? Q3: Is there a salary difference between project-based teachers and full-time teachers?
A3:專案教師薪資結構比照專任教師。 A3: No, the salary structure for project-based teachers aligns with that of full-time teachers.


Topic 4 基本資訊  
中文 英文
Q1:人事室位置在哪? Q1: Where is the Personnel Office located?
A1:教學大樓二樓。 A1: The Personnel Office is located on the second floor of the Educational Building.